Solar Panel Installation For Homes

English: Solar panel on roof in Mariakerke, Gh...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world is in constant search for better alternative energy to support the growing population and the ever increasing cost of continued use of fossil fuel to supply the energy need of mankind. It is known that the use of fossil fuel is not only expensive but also harmful to the environment, which experts would claim that it is one of the biggest sources of pollution and global warming.

The best alternative energy source is the one that we have in abundance, the energy from the sun. The solar panel for homes has already been developed so that households can enjoy the advantages of solar power without having to rely on the use of fossil fuel. The investment is quite high initially as you will be installing solar panels which costs a few dollars extra compared to getting it from your regular utility company. The solar power cost of a single panel that can product about 75 watts may reach as much as 900.00 which means that if you are going to use this in a regular household you might need about 25,000 for one installation and 50,000 for larger houses.

It is recommended that when you build your house for the first time, you integrate the solar panel installation so that it will become part of the roof structure and may appear to be part of the entire design of the house. If the house is already constructed, then you can get solar power for homes by installing an individual panel for each appliance a set of appliances that you want to operate using solar energy. A computer for example may need 150 to 200 watts of energy so this means you can assign one panel for this one. An average panel size would be 9 watts per square foot, so if your house consumes 1,800 watts then you will need about 200 sq. foot of solar panel.